Zertifikatsprogramm I Certificate Program

Stand: 13.09.2023
Certificate Program
of the Computer Science Department at the University of Bayreuth
KI, Data Science, and Robotics & Automation have captured the world's imagination in recent years, and our program is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of these transformative fields.
Upon successful completion of the required courses, you will have the opportunity to attain certification in the following specialized fields:
These certifications represent a significant achievement and a mark of your expertise in each respective domain. Earning these certifications not only validates your expertise in the respective fields but also catapults you to the forefront of the competitive job market, showcasing your proven knowledge and skills, and significantly enhancing your desirability to potential employers.
How to get them?
The certificates are acquired as part of the regular study program. Students pass courses listed in the table at the
end. Since the courses eligible for the certificate are also part of the curriculum, students can seamlessly integrate
the certificate into their studies. If they meet at least the following requirements (of course, more ECTS can be
achieved), they can apply for the certificate:
Courses from this section in the table | Required ECTS |
A to C (theoretical competency) | 30 |
P (practical competency) | 30 |
From any section | 30 |
Total | 90 |
To apply for the certificate, they send an informal email to the contact person with the list of passed courses. In case of seminars, projects, and thesis, the supervisor has to approve that the work is within the scope of the certificate.
Who can get them?
The certificates can be pursued by students formally enrolled in the following Bachelor or Master programs:
Angewandte Informatik (B.Sc.), Informatik (B.Sc.), Computer Science (M.Sc.), Angewandte Informatik (M.Sc.), and
Informatik (M.Sc.).
Who can I ask?
If you have any questions or are interested in the certificate, you can send an informal e-mail to the contact address
listed below.
AI Certificate and Societal Impacts: Interview with Nico Höllerich and Carolina Hoffmann?
Interview between Nico Höllerich (University of Bayreuth) and Carolina Hoffmann (Academy for New Media) as part of the format "Heimat ist" broadcasted by Radio Plassenburg. The content of the segment focuses on the AI Certificate from the University of Bayreuth, as well as the development and societal impacts of artificial intelligence.
- Youtube-URL: Interview
German Version
Zertifikatiotsprogramm des Fachbereis Informatik der Universität Bayreuth
KI, Datenwissenschaften und Robotik & Automatisierung haben in den letzten Jahren die Welt in ihren Bann gezogen, und unser Programm ist Ihre Eintrittskarte, um das volle Potenzial dieser transformativen Bereiche zu erschließen.
Nach erfolgreichem Abschluss der erforderlichen Kurse haben Sie die Möglichkeit, eine Zertifizierung in den folgenden Fachbereichen zu erlangen:
Diese Zertifizierungen stellen eine bedeutende Leistung dar und sind ein Zeichen für Ihr Fachwissen in den jeweiligen Bereichen. Der Erwerb dieser Zertifizierungen bestätigt nicht nur Ihr Fachwissen in den jeweiligen Bereichen, sondern katapultiert Sie auch an die Spitze des umkämpften Arbeitsmarktes, indem Sie Ihr nachgewiesenes Wissen und Ihre Fähigkeiten präsentieren und Ihre Attraktivität für potenzielle Arbeitgeber erheblich steigern.
Wie erhält man die Zertifikate?
Die Zertifikate werden im Rahmen des regulären Studiums erworben. Die Studierenden absolvieren Kurse, welche in
der Tabelle am Ende des Abschnitts aufgeführt sind. Da die Kurse, die für das Zertifikat in Frage kommen, auch Teil
des Studienplans sind, können die Studierenden das Zertifikat nahtlos in ihr Studium integrieren. Wenn Sie
mindestens die folgenden Anforderungen erfüllen (es können natürlich auch mehr ECTS erreicht werden), können sie
das Zertifikat beantragen:
Kurse aus diesem Tabellenabschnitt | benötigte ECTS |
A bis C (theoretische Kompetenz) | 30 |
P (praktische Kompetenz) | 30 |
Aus beliebigem Abschnitt | 30 |
Gesamt | 90 |
Um das Zertifikat zu beantragen, senden Sie eine formlose E-Mail an die Kontaktperson mit der Liste der
bestandenen Kurse. Im Falle von Seminaren, Projekten und Abschlussarbeiten muss der Betreuer bestätigen, dass die Arbeit im Rahmen des Zertifikats liegt.
Wer kann die Zertifikate erwerben?
Die Zertifikate können von Studierenden erworben werden, die in den folgenden Bachelor- oder
Masterstudiengängen eingeschrieben sind: Angewandte Informatik (B.Sc.), Informatik (B.Sc.), Computer Science
(M.Sc.), Angewandte Informatik (M.Sc.) und Informatik (M.Sc.).
An wen kann ich mich wenden?
Wenn Sie Fragen haben oder sich für das Zertifikat interessieren, können Sie eine formlose E-Mail an die unten
angegebene Kontaktadresse senden.
KI-Zertifikat und gesellschaftliche Auswirkungen: Interview mit Nico Höllerich und Carolina Hoffmann
Interview zwischen Nico Höllerich (Universität Bayreuth) und Carolina Hoffmann (Akademie für Neue Medien) im Rahmen des Formats „Heimat ist“ ausgestrahlt von Radio Plassenburg. Inhalt des Beitrags ist das KI-Zertifikat der Universität Bayreuth sowie die Entwicklung und gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen von künstlicher Intelligenz.
- Youtube-URL: Interview
- Artificial Intelligence CertificateEinklappen
Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of numerous industries, revolutionizing the way we perceive and interact with technology. As AI continues to evolve, the demand for skilled professionals who can design, develop, and implement AI systems across diverse domains is increasing rapidly. Recognizing the importance of AI in today's world, the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Bayreuth offers the certificate program "Artificial Intelligence" to provide students with a formal proof of qualification in this dynamic and evolving field.
The program encompasses a range of courses that delve into the foundations of artificial intelligence, including deep
learning, reinforcement learning, computer vision, and robotics. These courses equip students with a broad
understanding of AI algorithms, techniques, and applications. Practical hands-on experiences are integrated through
projects and seminars allowing students to apply their theoretical knowledge in real-world scenarios.This text was generated with the help of ChatGPT of GPT-3.5 series [Chatbot model]. OpenAI. (2021). Retrieved from https://openai.com.
Nico Höllerich (M.Sc.)
E-Mail: nico.hoellerich [@] uni-bayreuth.de
Office: 1.26 (1. OG)
Building: Angewandte InformatikCourses
Identifier ECTS Section A – Foundations INF 117 Knowledge-based Systems 5 INF 218 Programming, Data Analysis and Deep Learning in Python 5 INF 221 Reinforcement Learning for Scientists & Engineers 5 INF 307 Data Analytics 8 INF 316 Pattern Recognition 5 INF 223 Graph Processing and Machine Learning (GPML) 5 Section B – Applications INF 208 Computer Vision 5 INF 219 Intelligent User Interfaces 5 INF 220 Information Visualization 5 INF 224 Schwarmintelligenz 5 INF 315 Robotics II 5 Section P – Projects, Seminars, Thesis (*) INF 101 Bachelor thesis 15 INF 301 Master thesis 30 INF 302 Master seminar 5 INF 303 Master practical course 8 INF 351 Small Master project 8 INF 352 Large Master project 15
(*) These courses are only creditable if concrete topics are in line with the certificate qualification goals. This must be confirmed by the course
instructor in coordination with the certificate coordinator. - Data Science CertificateEinklappen
According to a new and extensive report by the McKinsey Global Institute ("Game changers: Five opportunities for US growth and renewal"), "by 2018 the United States will experience a shortage of 190,000 skilled data scientists, and 1.5 million managers and analysts capable of reaping actionable insights from the big data deluge. With an estimated 40,000 exabytes of data being collected by year 2020 - up from 2700 exabytes in year 2012 - the implications of this shortage become apparent." The wide range of economic sectors that will leverage big data analytics in the next decade (including retail, finance, manufacturing, healthcare, and government services) is driving this explosion in data collection and the demand for skilled practitioners even further. Since the trend towards data is being widely covered by the media, we expect a high demand for a curriculum aimed towards data science in the near future.
Therefore, the Institute for Computer Science at the University of Bayreuth is offering a program in Data Science. It
offers courses in various fields of Data Science like algorithms, computer systems, exploring and analyzing data,
probability and statistics, statistical inference and modeling, management of big and complex data, machine learning,
visualizing, and communicating data.Contact
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan Jablonski
E-Mail: stefan.jablonski [@] uni-bayreuth.de
Office: 0.20 (EG)
Building: Angewandte InformatikCourses
Identifier ECTS Section A – Lectures INF 201 Parallel and distributed systems II 5 INF 202 Computer graphics I 5 INF 218 Programming, Data Analysis and Deep Learning in Python 5 INF 220 Information Visualization 5 INF 222 Event Processing 5 INF 226 Biomedical Time Series Analysis 5 INF 305 High Performance Computing 8 INF 307 Data Analytics 8 INF 314 Algorithms and data structures III 5 INF 316 Pattern recognition 5 INF 318 Computer graphics III 5 INF 321 Foundations of Semi-Structured Data 5 INF 326 Foundations of Data Management 5 INF 328 Advanced Information Systems 5 Section P – Projects, Seminars, Thesis (*) INF 101 Bachelor thesis 15 INF 301 Master thesis 30 INF 302 Master seminar 5 INF 303 Master practical course 8 INF 351 Small Master project 8 INF 352 Large Master project 15
(*) These courses are only creditable if concrete topics are in line with the certificate qualification goals. This must be confirmed by the course instructor in coordination with the certificate coordinator - Robotics and Automation CertificateEinklappen
Robots are an essential part of assembly lines in automated industrial mass production. In the last years, so called
lightweight robots that can be safely operated near humans without physical barriers have become broadly available.
Recent progress in the field of artificial intelligence renders using cognitive cobots for partial automation in small
enterprises or as service robots at home feasible. A growing demand for experts who can design, install, and
maintain such systems in various application domains is, hence, to be expected.
The Institute for Computer Science at Bayreuth University is offering the certificate program “Robotics and
Automation” to provide students with formal proof of qualification in these areas. Associated courses cover the field
comprehensively by addressing the foundations of robotics, perception and planning methods for intelligent systems,
and simulation-based planning of production systems. Theoretical knowledge can be consolidated in practical
courses with topics matching the certificate qualification goals.Contact
Nico Höllerich (M.Sc.)
E-Mail: nico.hoellerich [@] uni-bayreuth.de
Office: 1.26 (1. OG)
Building: Angewandte InformatikCourses
Identifier ECTS Section A – Foundations INF 203 Embedded systems 5 INF 207 Robotics I 5 INF 216 Advanced Programming Concepts in C++ 5 II 215 Eingebettete Systeme (Ing.) 6 II 218 Grundlagen der Mechatronik 5 II 219 Regelungstechnik 5 II 306 Sensorik 5 II 310 Digitale Signalverarbeitung und Bussysteme 5 II 312 Dynamik 5 Section B – Intelligent Robot Systems INF 208 Computersehen 5 INF 224 Schwarmintelligenz 5 INF 315 Robotics II 5 INF 316 Pattern Recognition 5 Section C – Simulation-based Planning INF 202 Computer graphics I 5 INF 209 Animation and simulation 5 INF 318 Computer Graphics III 5 II 322 Planung und Produktion 8 II 323 Fabrikplanung und Produktion 4 II 324 Industrie 4.0 in Planung und Produktion 5 Section P – Projects, Seminars, Thesis (*) INF 101 Bachelor thesis 15 INF 301 Master thesis 30 INF 302 Master seminar 5 INF 303 Master practical course 8 INF 351 Small Master project 8 INF 352 Large Master project 15
(*) These courses are only creditable if concrete topics are in line with the certificate qualification goals. This must be confirmed by the course instructor in coordination with the certificate coordinator.